I love exchanging the word ‘discipline’ for ‘ritual’, especially chosen ritual! And ‘rhythm’, so it is organic, not forced. I’m still finding my way into a rhythm that works for me, but I’ve at least discerned that I need different rituals at different seasons, and am making progress there. Thank you!

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You’re welcome. It definitely takes time, I keep slipping in and out of a rhythm with my rituals but at I’m more aware of the reasons I can strive to work on that. I feel like with the autumn coming it will flow more x

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Wow, what a deep and rich post about the medicine of rituals, my friend. I am so grateful for being able to sink so deeply into your thoughts and words. Thank you for creating and sharing and inviting us in. ❤️

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You’re always so welcome Liz. I hope the slow change of seasons is being good to you. I’ve realised that writing deeply is the way I’m going to go. It may take time but the process itself is rich. So grateful for you always being here x

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I love the idea of re-enchanting our lives through ritual. It's so easy to get caught up in the mundane and forget the magic that exists all around us. Your morning ritual sounds absolutely beautiful – I'm inspired to create my own sunrise practice. Any tips for those of us who aren't morning people (yet!)? Also, I'm intrigued by your mention of the 'way of the rose' – can't wait to hear more about that!

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Oh yes the way of rose, it is wonderful, I am really looking forward to writing about that! I can’t wait to chat about it with everyone.

I had an interesting discussion on here a few months ago, someone wrote a piece about being a night owl, and even when they tried being a morning lark it just wouldn’t happen for them. I do wonder if you are more way inclined it is trickier? It might even be trickier because you have to change all of your routines in order to do it. But I think in order to give it a go you have to be an early to bed person too….I’m generally in bed by 9pm at the latest. I also think once you see an amazing sunrise, and feel the peace of it, it becomes a peace you want to seek more often, and the getting up becomes easier.

Let me know how you get on, I’m rooting for you to see a sunrise and feel its magic!

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I used to be an early riser, but never one to appreciate the early rise. I think that is what I will bring to this when I do it next :)

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Great post. I’ve saved some of those quotes. I can tell you put a huge amount of time and energy into that, I recognise it and see you. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you I really appreciate that. There are some amazing philosophers out there, whether they realise it or not. I am so glad you liked the quotes.

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Wow Anna Rose. You made me cry! Such insightful wondering and beautifully written truths. I resonate so much with you, I am an animal communicator and regularly work with animals and their people to help improve lives. I have for many years worked esoterically with shamanic practice, pagan and witch, all came into my embrace. Animus, a word I love, for I too have connected with tree and rock, water ripple seeds of grass. Why cry? I have somehow moved away from this through life trials of the last few years. I starkly see my disconnect and wonder how it happened. I am progressing with my projects, but they move slowly, because of normal life being dominant. Good luck with the final push of your dissertation. Continuing bonds was a big part of my work and you may find the book Death, Ritual & Belief by Douglas Davies interesting.

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Kym this is so wonderful, I hope by reading this it encourages you to head back to that path. I can tell from your comment how passionate you are about it. The tears are surely a sign. Perhaps a small 5 minute ritual is the way to go, especially on those days when normal life squeezes our edges. I am a fan of breathing with my back to a tree. I worked with a fantastic woman who taught us how to connect with trees before we extracted their fruit or oils to use in tinctures, and that connection never fails to ground me, could be a good way to go if you have a tree nearby?

Thank you for your well wishes about the dissertation, that book sounds right up my street and I will take a look. Much love to you, and I’d love to hear how you get on.

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Thank you 🧡 indeed tree wisdom is one of my favourite therapies. Beech in particular I love to connect with. Reading your words made me realise how progress will never be made the way I want it because there is no urgency, or discipline. Thank you for giving me much to think about x

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You’re so welcome Kym x

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I’ve been thinking a lot about rituals recently and so this was exactly what I needed to read today! Thank you for your gorgeous words.

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You are so welcome, I’m glad it’s what you needed. It must be a sign 🙏🏼

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