You're a natural, I instantly felt calm and inspired listening to you, thank you for creating Burnout Rebellion. I can resonate with SO much of what you say! I also love that you've done birth charts for years too - I used to do friend's birth charts with pen and paper as a teenager in the 90's!

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Thank you so much Caroline. I really appreciate that. I remember doing birth charts when I was younger with my mum thinking it was all a bit of fun, and in the last 5 years I have learnt about the depths of them, and how great they are for reflection. It’s a wonderful tool regardless of level of belief. The house system, the moon cycle, how and where they hit your chart I find gives such a great focus for the month too. Thank you again for the comments this morning. You’re making my day over here! ❤️

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I loved this video! i find it so hard to read all the substacks, i really appreciate just listening to you talk about your passion, it really comes across and i love how its made me want to take the time to read your publication

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Thank you so much Jo, that’s lovely to hear! You never quite know how videos will land so I’m so glad you liked it ❤️✨

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I just did my first audio transcript of a post, inspired by you, and i’ve got claire’s mini course now for podcasting :D

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Yes Jo 🙌🏼 I am so excited for you! Claire’s course is brilliant and made me realise I had put podcasting in a box in my mind and labelled it as ‘too complicated’, after finishing the course I had so much fun with the podcast. It was easier than expected. Meeting people, recording, even editing. It was all great. I can’t wait to hear how you get on ❤️✨

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Thanks Anna! Yes I have labelled myself as 'not confident enough' and I just decided recently that it's not true anymore, and I don't want it to be true ☺️ xx

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🙌🏼✨ I love that. Your word of the year could be courage 🦁 that was my word last year and it was the most transformative year I’ve ever had!

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